Automation of injection molding machines
Complex custom made solutions.
Flexido also offers purpose-built process automation solutions for tending plastics injection molding machines (IMMs). We specialize in building solutions for insert molding. Most of our cells are installed at manufacturers supplying the automotive and electrical industries. We have the right competences for ensuring 100% dimensional part control through smart vision systems, which are properly linked to the parameters of the injection molding machine. Our experts are professionally qualified for Industry 4.0 integrations. Machine data is obtained via Euromap 63/Euromap 77 interfaces.
The most essential part of insert molding equipment is the special-purpose gripper to allow correct gripping of parts and correct placement of inserts into the mold. We have developed elaborate solutions for robot-driven insertion and overmolding of electric motor stators in the mold, robot-driven overmolding of Bowden cables, robot-driven overmolding of various washers, as well as for robot-driven insertion of bushings into the mold. Our solutions also allow robot-driven preparation of terminals and insertion of terminals into the mold. Insert placement is usually performed with a 6-axis robot, while insert preparation is done with what is known as SCARA robots.
The range of add-on stations allowing proper preparation of inserts and processing of overmolded parts to choose from is remarkably wide for purpose-built cells.
For better cross-linking of plastic onto the insert, we offer an insert preheating station, a station for checking insert height under stress, a station for knurling the surfaces of inserts for a better grip in insert molding, a station with a vision system for checking appropriate dimensional tolerances at the parts' entrance into the cell. Flexido cells can also be fitted with a unit for laser welding of individual assemblies.
At Flexido we also have solutions for the tending of plastics processing machines via collaborative robots.
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